by Neal Hatten and SF BayView contributing writers
For 44 years running, Bayview Senior Services has hosted the annual Black Cuisine event, a vibrant celebration deeply rooted in African American culture. Originally conceived as a soul food cooking competition among seniors, the event has flourished into a cultural extravaganza, drawing participants and attendees from across the city.

This year’s Black Cuisine promises an array of culinary delights, entertainment and a bustling marketplace.
Reflecting on the event’s evolution, Mrs. Classie remarked, “Black Cuisine is one of the most fun-filled festivals in San Francisco. I’ve been involved for 16 years. I started working here in 2008 and I love it; the Black Cuisine is gonna be a fun thing.”
From its humble beginnings in the senior center at 1706 Yosemite, Black Cuisine has become a community-wide affair, embracing diverse organizations and individuals contributing to its Black cultural flavor. This year’s event will be held on April 27, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 1753 Carroll Ave. Young people and entertainers from the community participate in performances, growing Black businesses bring their wares to the market, and nonprofits from throughout the city come to share information and services.

Integral to the event is Bayview Senior Services’ nutrition program, which uses the occasion to showcase cultural foods and engage seniors in a spirited cooking contest.
This year’s event will include a raffle with the sales proceeds going towards the agency’s goal of raising money to purchase a passenger van to transport seniors so that they can participate in cultural and social events throughout the City and Bay Area.

“I’ve never participated,” admitted Angela King, a young energetic employee overseeing the raffle. “I’m very excited; I have to imagine what it would be like since I’ve never experienced it. But I imagine it’s gonna be lots of great food, and the community coming together, supporting each other while having a good time listening to live music. It’s gonna be fun.”

Established in 1971, Bayview Senior Services remains steadfast in its commitment to serving African American seniors and disabled individuals, ensuring they age in place with dignity and respect. Offering a range of programs, including nutritious meals, case management, adult day health care and housing advocacy, the organization operates multiple centers across the city, including the Dr. George W. Davis Senior Center at 1753 Carroll Ave., the Western Addition Senior Center, the Rosa Parks Senior Center and the Adult Day Health Center. As the 44th annual Black Cuisine approaches, anticipation mounts in the Bayview community, promising a day filled with cultural pride, camaraderie and culinary delights.
Bayview Senior Services Deputy Director Neal Hatten can be reached at neal.hatten@bhpmss.org.
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